
Complex 2d figure - dynamic intelligent fact-checking

An often overlooked gem of  Geometry Calculator PRO , only one click away from the app's start screen, is the page appropriately called "Complex 2d figure (BETA)" . By using an intuitive flow that consists of adding fixed or floating points, line segments between any two points, and angles between adjacent segments, you can easily draw triangles, quadrilaterals, parallel or perpendicular lines, etc. An intelligent algorithm helps you along the way. It is almost impossible to make a mistake and get the wrong result! The algorithm will draw your input, plus any resulting intersection points, on a neat square canvas at the top of the page, and it will also compute sizes and apply geometry rules on the fly. At the bottom of the page you will see a list of numerical and symbolic facts that will surely help you understand the problem you are trying to solve. And because the list can get pretty long, I've added four (at the time of this writing) checkboxes to help you filter

Privacy Policy (for the LIGHT version)

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy Andrei Cristescu built the Geometry Calculator LIGHT app as a completely free and ad-free app. This SERVICE is provided by Andrei Cristescu at no cost and is intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service. If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. Information Collection and Use I don't personally collect any personal information by means of this app. Security Since you aren't required to login or to provide personal details, and given that this app doesn't

Privacy Policy (for the PRO version)

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy Andrei Cristescu built the Geometry Calculator PRO app as a completely ad-free, paid app. This SERVICE is provided by Andrei Cristescu with no hidden costs and is intended for use as is. This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service. If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. Information Collection and Use I don't personally collect any personal information by means of this app. Security Since you aren't required to login or to provide personal details, and given that this app doesn&#

How to solve a triangle - 3 use cases

[EN] The app supports at least three use-case scenarios for solving any triangle: 1. Given the lengths of all three sides, it computes the three angles, then heights, perimeter and area. 2. Given the lengths of two sides, and the value of the angle between them. 2. Given the length of one side, and the value of the two adjacent angles. [FR] L'application couvre au moins trois scénarios différents pour résoudre un triangle quelconque : 1. Etant donné la longueur des trois cotés, elle calcule les trois angles, puis les hauteurs, le périmètre et l'aire. 2. Etant donné la longueur de deux cotés, et la valeur de l'angle qui se trouve entre eux. 3. Etant donné la longueur d'un coté, et la valeur des deux angles adjacents. [RO] Aplicatia suporta cel putin trei scenarii diferite pentru a rezolva un triunghi oarecare: 1. Fiind date lungimile celor trei laturi, se calculeaza automat cele trei unghiuri, apoi inaltimile, perimetrul si aria. 2. Fiind date lungimile a doua laturi si

Solved problem - half a pentagon

  [EN] Given the figure above, ABD is a right triangle, BE = CE = a, AC = a/2, and CD = CE. The value a is unknown, but it doesn't influence the result. (We can notice that ACEB might be half a pentagon). Find the angle alpha (CDE). [FR] Dans le dessin ci-dessus, ABD est un triangle rectangle, BE = CE = a, AC = a/2, et CD = CE. La valeur a est inconnue, mais elle n'influence pas le résultat. (On remarque que ACEB pourrait bien être un demi-pentagone). Trouvez l'angle alpha (CDE). [RO] In figura de mai sus, ABD este un triunghi dreptunghic, BE = CE = a, AC = a/2, si CD = CE. Valoarea lui a nu este cunoscuta, dar ea nu influenteaza rezultatul. (Putem remarca faptul ca ACEB seamana cu o jumatate de pentagon). Gasiti valoarea unghiului alfa (CDE). ___________________________________________________________________________________ Solution / Solutie : _____________________ Download the app here | Télécharghez l'appli ici | Descarcati aplicatia de

Solved problem - two right triangles

  [EN] Given two right triangles: ABC and ABD (see the figure above), we know AC = 10, CD = 9 and AD = 17. Find the length of the other two segments: AB and BC. [FR] Etant donné les deux triangles rectangles : ABC et ABD (voir le dessin ci-dessus), on connait AC = 10, CD = 9 et AD = 17. Trouvez la longueur des autres deux segments : AB et BC. [RO] Se dau doua triunghiuri dreptunghice: ABC si ABD (vezi figura de mai sus). Se cunosc AC = 10, CD = 9 si AD = 17. Gasiti lungimea celorlalte doua segmente: AB si BC. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Solution / Solutie : ____________________________ Download the app here | Télécharghez l'appli ici | Descarcati aplicatia de aici: